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About (original language): 

Cílem newsLetteru je oslovit širokou čtenářskou obec se zájmem o dění ve vědě a genderovou tematiku. NewsLetter informuje o kulturně-historických souvislostech postavení žen ve vědě a představuje významné ženy, které podobu vědy v historii pomáhaly formovat a přesto, že byl jejich přínos velmi významný, je povědomí společnosti o jejich vědecké práci zanedbatelné. NewsLetter každý měsíc informuje čtenáře o dění ve světě vědy a výzkumu, o připravovaných akcích NKC, konferencích a grantových a stipendijních nabídkách - to vše z genderového hlediska.

About (English version): 

Newsletter NKC

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Digital Document (pdf, doc, ppt, txt, etc.)
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Approx. every month
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About (English version): 

Women@TUoS have written a guide that provides practical tips and recommendations on how to set up and maintain a vibrant, strategically relevant women’s network in academia. Using our experience at the University of Sheffield, the guide provides information on getting grass roots support to understand what members want from a network, features critical success factors that contribute to maintaining investment and interest in a network, presents a catalogue of development ideas from our own network and good practice from elsewhere, and embeds this with other gender initiatives at the University. The guide provides practical tips and recommendations on how to set up and maintain a vibrant, strategically relevant women's network in academia. The guide provides information on getting grass roots support to understand what members want from a network, features critical success factors that contribute to maintaining investment and interest in a network, presents a catalogue of development ideas from our own network and good practice from elsewhere.

Public identifier:!/file/GPGfinal.pdf
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About (English version): 

his module contains distilled knowledge - lessons learned and step - by - step guidance for creating safe cities and communities for women and girls. The module includes a compendium of tools, manuals, training modules and other materials (text, audio and visual) on ―how to‖ create safe cities and communities for women and girls to l ive a life free of violence. Also, this resource contains case studies and summaries of good practices, and a r egistry of regional resource centres and experts associated with safe cities for women. The module contains tools that focus on the identificati on and prevention of gender - based violence against women in cities, particularly in public spaces. While the concept of safe cities is broader, this module currently focuses primarily on cities. This approach prioritizes the advancement of women‘s rights t o create and live in safe cities and communities. Within this approach, special emphasis is given to violence prevention, government accountability, community mobilization and participation, women‘s empowerment, and the improvement of neighbourhoods and th e urban environment in general. Together, these strategies are meant to enhance social relations and trust among all citizens in a community.

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About (English version): 

This report documents that there are clear and persistent gender differences in travel patterns. Men consistently travel further than women, men are more likely to travel by car and women by public transport, and women’s trips tend to be more lo- cal. Explanations to these differences are linked to unequal gendered relations in the household and labour market and urban structures as well as gender socialisation. This means that men and women make different uses of a shared system of transport.
Gender is a central stratifying factor in transport use at all levels. In order to pro- vide a more complete picture of gender differences, and in order to qualify EU goals of combating multi-level inequalities, there is a need to link gender with the broa- der axes of inequalities, namely ethnicity, sexuality, age and handicap in future stu- dies of transport and mobility.

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