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About (English version): 

This flyer provides recommendations and a checklist to make outreach activities in physics more gender inclusive. It is aimed at people already active in outreach activities for young people. The flyer indicates relevant examples of outreach projects, highlights diversity-relevant questions and topics for planning outreach activities and provides a checklist for how outreach events in physics can be made more gender inclusive.

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About (English version): 

In this volume we present a collection of 7 lesson plans to explore the gender imbalances in science and particularly in physics. The aim of these teaching units is to understand how gender inequalities are constructed and reproduced during the interactions in the labs and class rooms while doing physics. On the one hand, the students will learn to uncover the often unconscious processes which lead to underrepresentation of women in physics at all levels. On the other hand, the basic structural dynamics linking gender effects in science and society are taken into account. The lesson plans have been designed and tested as a part of the International Summer Schools “Diversity in the Cultures of Physics”. This project is funded by DAAD / Erasmus+ since 2016, when a Strategic Partnership was formed to enhance the situation of female junior scientists. Scientists from the physics departments at Freie Universität Berlin, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, the University of Manchester, the University of Sheffield and Uppsala Universitet joined this co-operation. Each lesson plan represents a teaching unit of 180 minutes that comprises discussion topics, references for reading materials and other resources, and interactive learning tasks. Taken together, the lesson plans provide the material for a full course on gender & physics covering a set of key issues based on research in science studies. Parts of the lesson plans can be integrated in either general courses on interdisciplinary gender studies or specific courses on gender in STEM. Individual units can supplement social and natural science courses, that wish to point out specific gender dimensions in a reputedly gender neutral field of knowledge production. The resources can be used in classrooms from undergraduate level onwards.



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Teaching Material
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About (English version): 

“Diversity in the Cultures of Physics” was an Erasmus+ funded Strategic Partnership launching several key actions aimed at improving the gender balance in physics and its subfields. The Strategic Partnership consisted of six universities in four countries: Freie Universität Berlin in Germany, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Universitat de Barcelona in Spain, the University of Manchester and the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom and Uppsala Universitet in Sweden.

One of the central activities of the transnational network was an annual international summer school series for female physicists transitioning from Undergraduate/Master programmes to a PhD study. This document presents the curriculum that has been developed for those summer schools and that has been used and evaluated in each round of the summer school series. Thus it is based on the insights and evaluation of all summer schools implemented.

The curriculum consists of four core pillars of modules: 1) research stays at physics departments; 2) visits to physics research institutions;  3) empowerment and gender equality policy;  4) gender studies and physics. A transversal pillar is composed of sessions concerning group-building processes and group dynamics. For each pillar, a manifold variety of modules that pursue the learning objective of the respective pillar have been designed, planned and carried out.

The curriculum describes aims and functions of the pillars and provides an overview of formats and designs of the modules that have been part of each pillar. For some prominent modules that have been carried out in almost every summer school and might also be practicable in future summer schools, more details are provided. It is pointed out which instructional recommendations are to be considered, what challenges are to be expected and how long the module typically lasts.

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About (English version): 

This document presents the results of the community survey of the ACT project and subsequent analysis. The survey was conducted between November 2018 and February 2019 in order to gain knowledge on existing practices regarding gender equality in Research Performing and Research Funding Organisations across Europe, their networks as well as needs and support. Moreover, it aimed at identifying potential members of Communities of Practice (CoPs) in R&I and HE institutions.

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