Digital Document (pdf, doc, ppt, txt, etc.)

About (English version): 

This document presents the Co-creation Toolkit for the Communities of Practice (CoP) of the ACT project and their Facilitators. It also shows how and with the use of which tools and methods the toolkit can help CoPs operate, develop, implement gender equality plans (GEP), gender equality (GE) measures and activities, and facilitate institutional change in relation to GE in HE and R&I.

The draft consists of the toolkit’s theoretical framework which includes the EIGE roadmap to GEPs, CoP lifecycle phases, CoP success factors, the four areas of CoP activity, and tips for gender equality projects. At the same time, the theoretical framework provides the structure for the design of the toolkit. Based on the guidance drawn out of the theoretical frameworks, the toolkit contains participatory methods for co-creation to support the CoPs, as well as tips for visual and documenting methods and online tools.

This is the final version 2.

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About (English version): 

1st Blog

A journey to an academic institution where women and men are equal


Minna Salminen Karlsson, Uppsala University

2nd Blog

Getting started with Communities of Learning and Communities of Practice at next SPEAR meeting in March


Christine Steffens, RWTH Aachen University


3rd Blog

Why are Communities Central to SPEAR?


Eva Sophia Myers, University of Southern Denmark


4th Blog

The critical friends approach


Sarah Beranek and Florian Holzinger, Joanneum Research


5th Blog

Transnational gender equality work


Peter Bjelskou, University of Southern Denmark





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About (English version): 

The publication takes a critical look at current mentoring research and practice and is a resource designed to build sector-wide, higher education capacity in the delivery of mentoring programs. It is equally suited to non-university contexts and is particularly applicable where culture change is desired.

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About (English version): 

Sponsorship involves active engagementto create career-enhancing opportunities while mentoring is a more passive talkingwith, or advisingof colleagues with no active intervention on the part of the mentor. Sponsorship involves leaders drawing on their power, networks, resources, social capital and influence on behalf of a more junior colleague.

This publication is an educational and strategic tool to guide universities, and individuals working within universities, to address gender diversity and equality issues that may arise through currently informal sponsorship practices. We position sponsorship not as a formal ‘program’ to be implemented, as you may do with mentoring, but part of effective leadership development and practice.


The publication is based on qualitative research (28 interviews of senior leaders in two Australian research intensive universities) and combined with two decades of practice with mentoring and other gender equality interventions

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