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This paper examines current evidence regarding rates, risk factors, correlates and consequences of gender disparities in mental health. Gender is conceptualized as a structural determinant of mental health and mental illness that runs like a fault line, interconnecting with and deepening the disparities associated with other important socioeconomic determinants such as income, employment and social position. Gender differentially affects the power and control men and women have over these socioeconomic determinants, their access to resources, and their status, roles, options and treatment in society. Gender has significant explanatory power regarding differential susceptibility and exposure to mental health risks and differences in mental health outcomes. Gender differences in rates of overall mental disorder, including rare disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorders, are negligible. However, highly significant gender differences exist for depression, anxiety and somatic complaints that affect more than 20% of the population in established economies. Depression accounts for the largest proportion of the burden associated with all the mental and neurological disorders and is a particular focus of this paper. It is predicted to be the second leading cause of global burden of disease by 2020.

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About (English version): 

The She Figures publication is the main source of pan‑European, comparable statistics on the state of gender equality in research and innovation. It covers a wide range of themes, including the proportions of women and men amongst top‑level graduates, academic staff and research boards, the working conditions for women and men researchers, the integration of the gender dimension in the content of peer‑reviewed scientific articles, and various indica‑ tors measuring gender gaps in the scientific and innovation outputs. Released every three years since 2003, the report provides a key evidence base for policies in this area. It is recommended reading for policy‑makers, researchers and anybody with a general interest in these issues. 

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About (original language): 

In dieser Broschüre werden alle Projektergebnisse des vom BMBF im Zeitraum 01.03.2011 - 30.06.2014 geförderten Projekts „Effektiv! – Für mehr Familienfreundlichkeit an deutschen Hochschulen“ zusammengefasst und aufbereitet. Sie bietet einen analytischen Blick auf verschiedene Stellschrauben, die an deutschen Hochschulen existieren, um die Vereinbarkeit von Wissenschaft beziehungsweise Studium und Familie zu verbessern. Die Broschüre zeigt Handlungsfelder an Hochschulen auf und untermauert diese mit Ergebnissen aus der wissenschaftlichen Begleitforschung.

About (English version): 

This brochure contains a summary of the results of the research project "Effektiv! – Für mehr Familienfreundlichkeit an deutschen Hochschulen" on family friendliness in higher education conducted by Gesis - Leibniz Institute of the Social Sciences and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany.

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About (original language): 

Diese Publikation basiert auf Beiträgen im Rahmen der Abschlusstagung „(Kinder-) Wunsch und Wirklichkeit in der Wissenschaft. Forschungsergebnisse und Konsequenzen“. Die Tagung wurde vom BMBF gefördert und gemeinsam vom CEWS (GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Bonn) und dem HDZ (TU Dortmund) am 05. und 06. Oktober 2009 im Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn durchgeführt. Die Tagung „(Kinder-)Wunsch und Wirklichkeit in der Wissenschaft“ zieht Bilanz und gibt Impulse für die Zukunft zur Vereinbarkeit von Elternschaft und Wissenschaft.

About (English version): 

This publication is based on contributions by participants of the conference „(Kinder-) Wunsch und Wirklichkeit in der Wissenschaft. Forschungsergebnisse und Konsequenzen“ in 2009, dealing with conflicting priorities of family planning and realities of academic career planning. 

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