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Presentation of the Conceptual Framework of the ACT project and the benefits and challenges of using Communities of Practice for advancing gender equality in the European Research Area, offered by Rachel Palmén (Senior researcher, Notus, Spain) in the 1st ACT International Synergy Conference (Brussels, 25 February 2019). 

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Presentation of the first insights about the Community Mapping Survey offered by Sybille Reidl (Researcher, Joanneum Research, Austria) at the 1st Synergy Conference of the ACT Project.  

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She Figures 2018. The She Figures 2018 Handbook is available here.

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Please note: this document has been superseded. Please consult the main GEAM website for the latest versions of the questionnaire and related documentation.

The H2020 project ACT will develop a comprehensive, transferable, transnational, modular Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring tool. In many cases, GEP implementation by different institutions has been conducted in isolation from others, and with processes that differ widely in terms of their scope and effectiveness, and in majority of cases without a proper assessment of gender equality needs and priorities, or the necessary monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. For example, to the degree that questionnaires for initial institutional assessment have been published by past gender equality projects such as GENDER-NET, EGERA, or INTEGER, these questionnaires vary substantially in length, topics treated, and measurements scales used. Results usually do not transcend the immediate project context while quality assessment of the reliability and validity of the generated data has not been conducted. While sensitivity to local (national, regional and organizational) context is key for a successful GEP implementation, a lack of more standardized assessment tools hinder mutual learning. Mutual learning, however is conditioned on the possibility to compare related gender equality measures with their resulting impacts in a meaningful and systematic way. ACT will provide an online, adaptable questionnaire framework that produces comparable data and thus facilitates knowledge sharing benchmarking and dialogue across national- and organizational contexts.

The aim of the current document is to provide a catalog of potentially useful measurement scales for the ACT modular Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring tool. As such it provides an overview of interesting scales and their usage in the literature that should not be taken as a definitive list of which scales will be available in the final online tool.

Public identifier: 
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2553078
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Survey Questionnaire for Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring
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